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Monday, September 22, 2008

SURPRISE!!! It's going to be a while till you see another post. I'll be away until at least October 15th. I'll be away from any reliable computer service so I won't bother to try and post anything. Hopefully you will see something from me soon after.
No posts no music. Oh MY!. If you are desperate for a music fix check out Doctor Mooney's blog. He's always good for a few interesting tunes and info. Until then, see you in mid-OCTOBER. Till then please have a great few weeks and wish me well too.

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Friday, September 19, 2008

"Avast, me maties! Today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Check out last years entry in the archives for some neat stuff. This year have a little chuckle:
A man with a pegleg, hook hand and an eyepatch went to apply to be a pirate. Interviewer: How did you get that pegleg? Pirate: Arrr. I got me leg shot off during the first world war. Interviewer: How did you get that hook? Pirate: I got me hand cut off by a big knife. Interviewer: What about your eyepatch? Pirate: It was a rainy afternoon and I looked up into the sky and a bird crapped in me eye. Interviewer: And that put your eye out? Pirate: No, it was the day after I got me hook.

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

HashTab is a Windows shell extension which adds a tab called "File Hashes" to the Windows Explorer file properties. The tab contains the MD5, SHA1 and CRC-32 file hashes. These are common hashes that are used to verify the integrity and authenticity of files. Many download sites list the MD5 hash along with the download link. The HashTab makes it very simple for Windows users to check these hashes on any file on the system without using external tools. It's free so check out Hashtab!

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Monday, September 15, 2008

Weekly MP3 shareAnother share of one of my MP3s. I set up a new one once a week and give you seven days to check it out. After that it will be gone and replaced by a new selection. Please don't link to this. Just click on the link and save it. Until I can make some money and buy some, if you get the message BANDWIDTH exceeded, just try again tomorrow. For this week:

Mp3 Share The New

"Myriad Harbour"

or you can try here too!

The New Pornographers is one on Canada's treasure bands. They released a great album called "Challengers". I've been meaning to share a selection from it with you for a long time too. Here is one from the album called "Myrid Harbour". I hope you enjoy it.
Check out Wikipedia or MySpace for more info.

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Friday, September 12, 2008

Rather then a joke or cartoon here is just a little Quote to ponder over the weekend. Have a good one.

Tell me and I may forget.

     Show me and I may remember.

              Involve me and I understand.

                                       Chinese Proverb

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

From the Google Blog on August 25th, you might have missed the fact that Google Suggest is going mainstream. Google Suggest will be "graduating" from Labs and available by default on the Google.com homepage. Over the next few weeks, it will be rolling out so that more and more of you will start seeing a list of query suggestions when you start typing into the search box. Have you ever been stumped in finding the right words to search for? Check out Google Suggest.

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Monday, September 08, 2008

Weekly MP3 shareAnother share of one of my MP3s. I set up a new one once a week and give you seven days to check it out. After that it will be gone and replaced by a new selection. Please don't link to this. Just click on the link and save it. Until I can make some money and buy some, if you get the message BANDWIDTH exceeded, just try again tomorrow. For this week:

Mp3 Share Drive-By Truckers
"The Rightous Path"

or you can try here too!

Drive-By Truckers released a great album called "Brighter Then Creation's Dark". I've been meaning to share a selection with you for a long time. Here is one from the album called "The Rightous Path". Check out the album if you haven't alreay. Enjoy.

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Friday, September 05, 2008

A little Friday fun. I've mentioned this several times before but it still is one of the best sites on the internet. Homestarrunner is still giving everyone a great time. Homestar now has his own Wiki!
Check out Strongbad's emailsHomestarrunner.com/sbemail.html
and the Wiki.

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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Here is a listing of 19 "Most Essential" and useful open source applications that you probably want to know and use in your daily life. Most of them are top of the line projects that have an open source industry popularity. There are many not listed here but over all the list has a variety of projects for every one. Check out the 19 open source apps here. You might find something of interest to you.

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Monday, September 01, 2008

Weekly MP3 shareAnother share of one of my MP3s. I set up a new one once a week and give you seven days to check it out. After that it will be gone and replaced by a new selection. Please don't link to this. Just click on the link and save it. Until I can make some money and buy some, if you get the message BANDWIDTH exceeded, just try again tomorrow. For this week:

Mp3 Share Joel Plaskett
"Face of the Earth"

or you can try here too!

I wrote back in February about Joel Plaskett cleaning up at the East Cost Music Awards. Winning six awards including best group single for the one I shared called "Fashionable People". Here is another one from the same album called "Face of the Earth". The album called "Ashtray Rock" is great and deserved the awards. Check it out.

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