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WINTAIL helps when you sometimes need to look at a very large text file, (like the 1GB log files on some systems) This program, from Elentaris I.T., reads the last however many Mbytes of the file without creating a 1 GB swap file. It is, of course, free. Go There and check it out!
Skip at 7:00 AM Another share of one of my MP3s. I set up a new one once a week and give you seven days to check it out. After that it will be gone and replaced by a new selection. Please don't link to this. Just click on the link and save it. For this week:
A bit of a change this week with another selection from the 1989 album of Chris Isaak called "Heart Shaped World". I got to really got to like Chris when his show was playing on MTV Canada. I loved the naked lady rotating for some reason in the little room off stage. Chris always used her to get cryptic advice on whatever the show was about that week. In between he did some great tunes with some great guest stars. Going through some clean up I ran across this album and decided to share. Happy listening. Skip at 7:00 AM Douglas Adams, author of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy once had a few things to say on the subject of resistance to this new internet thing: "1) everything that's already in the world when you're born is just normal; 2) anything that gets invented between then and before you turn 35 is incredibly exciting and creative and, given opportunity, you can make a career out of it; 3) anything that gets invented after you're 35 is against the natural order of things and the beginning of the end of civilization as we know it until it's been around for about ten years when it gradually turns out to be alright really.” Have some fun thinking about it this weekend! Skip at 7:00 AM Put all your desktop shortcuts into a menu, then delete them from the desktop. ClutterBuster is an application that will hold the shortcuts to software that you have on your desktop. Each button can be set by right clicking and selecting the .exe file you want to associate with it. The button will show the image, from the icon found in the .exe file. If it has no icon, the button will show blank. When you close ClutterBuster it will store all of the info in an .ini file. Once you set it, you can then delete all the clutter from your desktop and use ClutterBuster to access your programs instead. Check out ClutterBuster. Skip at 7:00 AM Another share of one of my MP3s. I set up a new one once a week and give you seven days to check it out. After that it will be gone and replaced by a new selection. Please don't link to this. Just click on the link and save it. Until I can make some money and buy some, if you get the message BANDWIDTH exceeded, just try again tomorrow. For this week:
Last week it was America's TAX DAY (April 15th), and next week is Canada's TAX DAY (April 30th)! Here in the middle I though this mash up of the The Beatles' "Taxman", The Jam's "Start!", Beck's "New Pollution" and The Beatles' "A Day In The Life" was just the thing. This is output of the remixer called "CCC". For info check out Beatmixed/Revolved. Hope everyone gets through this tax season and that you enjoy this. Skip at 7:00 AM Check out this Top 10 List from Top10Kid. It is a pictoral guide of the 10 best shirts to be arrested in! I think you should check it out an make sure you adjust your wardrobe if you plan to meet the police this coming weekend. Skip at 7:00 AM April 16th is National Eggs Benedict Day. National as in U.S. national. of course. Did you ever think how many countries are invoked in eggs benedict? The sauce is "Dutch", the muffins are "English" and the bacon is "Canadian". It's quite the international dish, namewise, even if it was invented in America. Skip at 7:00 AM Another share of one of my MP3s. I set up a new one once a week and give you seven days to check it out. After that it will be gone and replaced by a new selection. Please don't link to this. Just click on the link and save it. Until I can make some money and buy some, if you get the message BANDWIDTH exceeded, just try again tomorrow. For this week:
Counting Crows recently released a new album called "Saturday Nights and Sunday Mornings". Here is a single called "Cowboys" from the album. There is a great story in the lyric. I was listening to a live session on NPR's WorldCafe where Adam Duriz talked about his mental problems and how it shaped the song. If you get a chance check out the live session and the info at Wikipedia. Hope you enjoy this. Skip at 7:00 AM Cracked.com has put out an article detailing 5 books that will make you STUPIDER. Check out the Cracked article and have some fun dumbing down! Skip at 7:00 AM Have some fun playing with the Facial Expression Simulator. This app hosted at NYU lets you demo various emotions and set up your own parameters and demo them. An interesting way to spend some time. Open your browser full screen and try it out! Skip at 7:00 AM Another share of one of my MP3s. I set up a new one once a week and give you seven days to check it out. After that it will be gone and replaced by a new selection. Please don't link to this. Just click on the link and save it. Until I can make some money and buy some, if you get the message BANDWIDTH exceeded, just try again tomorrow. For this week:
Vampire Weekend released a new self-titled album. I'm sharing a single released from that album called "A-Punk". An interesting mix for a rock and African music. They are a promising indie rock band from New York City. Most of the songs were recorded at various places in New England. Check out their details at Wikipedia. Hope you enjoy this share. Skip at 7:00 AM I still haven't got over the time off and really don't have anything new to post for a Friday Fun filler. I'll just, once again, hype Cactusguy and Cactusgal. Check out Cactusgal or Cactusguy everyday for fun! There are crossword puzzles, a sudoku, comics, other things. Updated everyday. You can waste time there, I mean have FUN, at any time. Skip at 7:00 AM Vacation over. Did anybody miss me? Oh, well. Time to get back to work. XP keeps track of which applications are used the most, this. Ever wanted total control over this list in Windows XP?, Now you can have it! XP RUN COUNT allows you to edit the encrypted registry keys which control the run count of each program, Increasing the run count manually will allow you to force programs of your choice to the top of the list. Your can clear the entire list and start fresh, or just modify existing entries. Under DESKTOP TOOLS check out XP RUN COUNT editor. It's FREE! Skip at 7:00 AM |
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