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Friday, August 29, 2008

Check out this site and try the GENDER analysis. The little app will check you browsing history and determine your gender. You will see a percentage probability of your male/female ratio. It works with IE and Firefox. It is a fun and interesting time waster.

Skip at 6:00 AM

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Nirsoft.net has distributed Volumouse. Volumouse provides you a quick and easy way to control the sound volume on your system - simply by rolling the wheel of your wheel mouse. It allows you to define a set of rules for determining when the wheel will be used for changing the sound volume. For example: You can configure Volumouse to use your mouse wheel for volume control when the Alt key is hold down, when the left mouse button is down, when the mouse cursor is over the taskbar, and so on. When the conditions that you define are not satisfied, your mouse wheel will be used for the regular scrolling tasks, exactly as before. You can Download Here from Download.com for FREE.

Skip at 6:00 AM

Monday, August 25, 2008

Weekly MP3 shareAnother share of one of my MP3s. I set up a new one once a week and give you seven days to check it out. After that it will be gone and replaced by a new selection. Please don't link to this. Just click on the link and save it. Until I can make some money and buy some, if you get the message BANDWIDTH exceeded, just try again tomorrow. For this week:
Mp3 Share Sloan "Believe In Me"
or you can try here too!
Sloan just released a new album called "Parallel Play". Sloan has been a great Canadian band that has never gotten the fame they deserve south of the boarder. Canadians love them and pack their shows but for some reason the rest of the world doesn't know what they are missing. I'm sharing a track from the new album called "Believe In Me". Check out Sloan HERE at Wikipedia or at the official web site HERE. Enjoy this Canadian treat.

Skip at 6:00 AM

Friday, August 22, 2008

Behold... My Future
  I will marry Sue Anne.  
  After a wild honeymoon, We will settle down in France in our fabulous Mansion.  
  We will have 2 kid(s) together.  
  Our family will zoom around in a Red Fiat.
  I will spend my days as a Farmer, and live happily ever after.  
whats your future
Not one iota of reality but it was fun.

Skip at 6:00 AM

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Check out this link to Boingboing.net where there are 101 Classic Computer ADS! I had to blog this when he first one was for a Timex Sinclair. It was one of the first I owned and loved. If only things were that simple again.

Skip at 6:00 AM

Monday, August 18, 2008

Weekly MP3 shareAnother share of one of my MP3s. I set up a new one once a week and give you seven days to check it out. After that it will be gone and replaced by a new selection. Please don't link to this. Just click on the link and save it. Until I can make some money and buy some, if you get the message BANDWIDTH exceeded, just try again tomorrow. For this week:

Carly Simon
"When We're Together"

or you can try here too!

I was listening to WorldCafe on NPR a few weeks ago and found out about Carly Simon's new album. I was impressed with the interview detailing her stage fright and her battle with breast cancer. I didn't even know she had a new album till then. I liked the sound so I picked up a copy of "This Kind of Love" and am glad I did. I'm sharing a track from the new album called "When We're Together". Check out Carly HERE at Wikipedia or at her offical web site HERE. Hope you enjoy it..

Skip at 6:00 AM

Friday, August 15, 2008

It has now been 6 years since my first blog entry.
August 16th 2002
The proof is in the history sidebar, just a click away. When I started I had grand plans and high hopes for this blog. It quickly turned into just a public bookmark site of things that caught my fancy. And now, I also use it to display my weird eclectic taste in music. I get just enough feedback to keep me motivated. If you like they way things are let me know. If you don't, tell me too. We'll find out how much longer this can go on.

Skip at 8:00 AM

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

From FreewareJunkie a Free Wi-Fi Security app. WiFi Security can be hard. There are many options, many settings, and a lot of techno-babble in many WiFi clients that make it difficult for non-technical users to understand. The LucidLink WiFi Client eliminates all of the clutter and only presents what you need to connect to the WiFi network. It automatically determines the WiFi security method being used on the network and requests only the information required to connect to that network. Ease of use was the foremost design consideration. It warns you if you attempt to connect to an insecure or poorly secured Wi-Fi network (you can choose not show these warnings) and it detects suspicious networks or access points that may be posing an “evil twin” attack threat. Go There and check it out!

Skip at 6:00 AM

Monday, August 11, 2008

Weekly MP3 shareAnother share of one of my MP3s. I set up a new one once a week and give you seven days to check it out. After that it will be gone and replaced by a new selection. Please don't link to this. Just click on the link and save it. Until I can make some money and buy some, if you get the message BANDWIDTH exceeded, just try again tomorrow. For this week:

G. Love
"Peace, Love, and Happiness"

or you can try here too!

Back in November of 2006, I shared a cut from G. Love's "Lemonade" album. He's back with a brand new one called "Superhero Brother" I'm sharing a track from it called "Peace, Love, and Happiness". Another album well worth your time. Check him out HERE at Wikipedia and the band is written up HERE too. Enjoy.

Skip at 6:00 AM

Friday, August 08, 2008

Blockposters has a fun site to use. You can create wall size posters from any size images. It’s completely free, and very easy to use. You can upload any image you choose, and tell the service how many pages of paper to use for the poster width. Once you finish making your selections, save your image as a PDF file to your computer. Print it out and presto! You now have a huge pixel poster you can hang on your wall. The higher the resolution of your picture, the better the poster. Have some fun, try Blockposters.

Skip at 6:00 AM

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

If you ever have problems with your PC locking or going to sleep, Caffeine will keep it awake. It works by simulating a key press once every 59 seconds, so your machine thinks you're still working at the keyboard, so won't lock the screen or activate the screensaver. By default the app starts enabled but there are two command line switches you can use to alter this. Check out the FREE Caffeine from Zhorn Software.

Skip at 6:00 AM

Monday, August 04, 2008

Weekly MP3 shareAnother share of one of my MP3s. I set up a new one once a week and give you seven days to check it out. After that it will be gone and replaced by a new selection. Please don't link to this. Just click on the link and save it. Until I can make some money and buy some, if you get the message BANDWIDTH exceeded, just try again tomorrow. For this week:

Los Campesinos!
"Death To Los Campesinos!"

or you can try here too!

The Welsh Indie group Los Campesinos! released the album "Hold On Now, Youngster" recently. Here is a livley track, indicitive of the rest of the album called "Death to Los Campesinos!". It's well worth your time. Check out their info HERE at Wikipedia. Enjoy.

Skip at 6:00 AM

Friday, August 01, 2008

The blog at HotelClub.com Travel Club has a fun list of 10 Must Try Exotic Fruits. Have some fun this weekend looking for some of these and give one a try. The Snake fruit sounds like fun!

Skip at 6:00 AM

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