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To prove it, here’s a list of 25 online alternatives, from InvestInTech.com, for the most popular desktop applications that you use, want and simply must have when working online. Check out 25 On-line Alternatives. Skip at 7:00 AM Another share of one of my MP3s. I set up a new one once a week and give you seven days to check it out. After that it will be gone and replaced by a new selection. Please don't link to this. Just click on the link and save it. Until I can make some money and buy some, if you get the message BANDWIDTH exceeded, just try again tomorrow. For this week:
I thought it was time for another blast from the past. Here is a song from a greatest hits album put out in 1998. The song was originally issued in 1977. The Steve Miller Band still has fan sites and all kinds of kudos out on the internet. Here is a share one of "Jet Airliner". There are so many to choose from, I'm sure I'll return to Steve Miller in the future for some more shares. Check out Wikipedia for all the info on Steve Miller Band and enjoy this share. Skip at 7:00 AM I really don't have anything new to post for a Friday Fun filler. I'll just hype Cactusguy and Cactusgal again. Check out Cactusgal or Cactusguy everyday for fun! There are crossword puzzles, a sudoku, comics, other things. Updated everyday. You can waste time there, I mean have FUN, at any time. Skip at 7:00 AM DiffMerge, from Sourcegear, is an application to visually compare and merge files for Windows, Mac OS X and Unix. It is now beening offered as a FREE product. Product Features
Download it here! Skip at 7:00 AM Another share of one of my MP3s. I set up a new one once a week and give you seven days to check it out. After that it will be gone and replaced by a new selection. Please don't link to this. Just click on the link and save it. Until I can make some money and buy some, if you get the message BANDWIDTH exceeded, just try again tomorrow. For this week:
Here is another underappreciated album from last year.The Fratellis came out with a fine little album called "Costello Music". I've decided to share one of the tunes from it called "Henrietta". They are a great indie rock band from Glasgow, Scotland. Check out their MySpace page and enjoy this share. Skip at 7:00 AM 101 Best Web Freebies: BusinessWeek.com scoured the Internet for the most useful free products and services available online that you probably don't know about. Check it out! Skip at 7:00 AM Each time that you open a file the name of the file that you opened is recorded by the operating system in the Recent folder or the Registry. This utility displays the list of all recently opened files, and allows you to delete unwanted filename entries. You can also save the files list into text/html/xml file all for free. Check out RECENT FILES VIEW. Skip at 7:00 AM Another share of one of my MP3s. I set up a new one once a week and give you seven days to check it out. After that it will be gone and replaced by a new selection. Please don't link to this. Just click on the link and save it. Until I can make some money and buy some, if you get the message BANDWIDTH exceeded, just try again tomorrow. For this week:
Last year (my gosh it was last year already!) The Shins came out with a great little album called "Wincing The Night Away". I've decided to share one of the tunes from it called "Australia". It was also issued as a single but I assure you the entire album is worth getting. Check out their bio at Wikipedia and enjoy this share. Skip at 7:00 AM "Bye-bye to Netscape"End of Support for Netscape web browsers - The Netscape Blog At the end of December CNET’s Stephen Shankland reported on the end of an era, the Netscape browser. Netscape put the fear into Microsoft like no other company because of the immense popularity of the browser, its head start over Internet Explorer, and the simple fact that most early users left the Netscape homepage as their default, making that page the most heavily trafficked piece of virtual property in the world. The question was how would Netscape monetize that traffic. For a great insight into those early browser wars and the first stirring of the Microsoft giant and the big antitrust browser wars of the mid-90s, read Charles Ferguson’s High Stakes, No Prisoners. Netscape brought aboard James Barksdale to bring the company to the next level, and eventually was acquired by AOL which was in the middle of its own identity crisis as it moved from essentially a rack of 56K modems to an internet service provider. I never quite figured out the play for AOL, which made some astonishingly stupid acquisitions including the infamous Time-Warner deal. There were noises about making Netscape a content play under Jason Calacanis, but when he left AOL after selling his blog network to them, the patient went onto the do-not-revive list. Does anyone care about browsers anymore? Firefox has won my heart.
Skip at 7:00 AM RUN SCANNER is a freeware windows system utility which scans your system for all configured running programs and autostart locations. You can use runscanner to detect autostart programs, spyware, adware, homepage hijackers, unverified drivers and other problems. You can import and export your results and let other people help you to solve your problems. It's free of course. GO THERE! Skip at 7:00 AM Another share of one of my MP3s. I set up a new one once a week and give you seven days to check it out. After that it will be gone and replaced by a new selection. Please don't link to this. Just click on the link and save it. Until I can make some money and buy some, if you get the message BANDWIDTH exceeded, just try again tomorrow. For this week:
With the death of Quite Riot singer Kevin DuBrow at the end of November, I thought I'd get out some classic CD's and relive some memories. The share this week was originally on the 1983 album "Mental Health" and has been played millions of times since then. Here's "Cum On Feel the Noize" but from a 2001 "Classic Rock Hits" CD not the original "Mental Health" disc. Hope you enjoy it. Skip at 7:00 AM To anyone who happens to read this... Happy NEW YEAR I hope to get back to regular posting next Monday. See you then! Skip at 7:00 AM |
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