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Here's another cartoon for all of us at this time of year. Since last Thursday was the due date in the US and next Friday is the deadline for Canada, I thought this was appropriate. Don't forget to file those tax returns! This is from Speed Bump.
Skip at 6:00 AM Sorry, but I'm still all in a daze about what is happening with FTP at Blogger.com. To top it off one of my wife's best friends died on Friday at a much too early age. So I just can't face doing anything at the moment. Check back later and please keep looking for the positive things in your life. Skip at 6:00 AM April 16th is National Eggs Benedict Day. National as in U.S. national. of course. Did you ever think how many countries are invoked in eggs benedict? The sauce is "Dutch", the muffins are "English" and the bacon is "Canadian". It's quite the international dish, namewise, even if it was invented in America. Skip at 6:30 AM I am still here but I was a bit disoriented by Blogger.com announcing that FTP is no longer going to be supported. I tried to move this blog to my own space but for some reason Blogger just serves up a 404 "Page not Found". For now I have moved to Blog spot. It is now SkipsRamblings.Blogspot.com. I'll leave it here for now but I don't know what the best long term solution will be. I've poitned Weblog.schrysler.com here so if you use the old link it still works. Also, my mirror at JournalSpace.com is still a way to find me. Stay tuned! Skip at 6:00 AM Skip at 6:00 AM 5 FREE ONLINE SERVICES TO SEND AN EMAIL TO A FAX MACHINE. Faxing seems to be going obsolete. Fewer and fewer machines are available. Even the new printers seem to be lacking FAX features. But no need to scramble to find an available fax machine. Thanks to Sequim Tech Blog , check out 5 free Online FAX services. A handy reference for these times of need. Skip at 6:00 AM Another share of one of my MP3s. I set up a new one once a week and give you seven days to check it out. After that it will be gone and replaced by a new selection. Please don't link to this. Just click on the link and save it. Until I can make some money and buy some, if you get the message BANDWIDTH exceeded, just try again tomorrow. For this week:
What a week at the Sound Academy. Spoon on Monday and Vampire Weekend on Tuesday night. I can't believe what a great city Toronto is for music. I'm sharing a single released from Spoon's album called "Transference". It's called "Written In Reverse". Just one interesting song from a great album full of them. They are a must see and so is Vampire Weekend. I don't know which I like better. I don't think I can choose. Check out Vampire Weekend at Wikipedia and Spoon too at their Wikipedia listing. Hope you enjoy this share. Skip at 6:00 AM Here's another cartoon from a while ago that made me laugh. It's from Speed Bump which I try to see every day. Just shows what historical preservation could affect: Skip at 6:00 AM |
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