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Pink Flamingos Quiz


1. In what year was Pink Flamingos released?
Answer: 1972.

2. What is the name of the baby adopted by the lesbian couple?
Answer: Little Noodles.

3. What are the names of the lesbian parents who adopt the baby?
Answer: Merle and Etta.

4. What convicted murderer is featured in the Marbles' home decor?
Answer: Susan Atkins.

5. How many eggs does Mama Edie say she can eat in a day?
Answer: Edie says, "A hundred eggs a day? you mean I could eat a hundred?" (It is the Eggman who says, "A thousand if you want 'em!")

6. What kind of car do the Marbles drive?
Answer: A 1959 Cadillac El Dorado limousine. (They got it at a car dealership.)

7. Name the gifts that Babs receives at her birthday party.
Babs receives five gifts: A-200 crab lice lotion; a pig's head; plastic vomit; a meat cleaver; and amyl nitrate (the poppers were a "party favour", you might say).

8. What is the name of the applicant who is rejected for the spying job offered by the Marbles?
Answer: Miss Sandy Sandstone.

9. What President is featured on the Post Office wall?
Answer: Richard Nixon

10. What is the name of the sleazy national tabloid that Channing is reading when Connie Marble buzzes him? What is the headline?
Answer: Channing is reading The National Enquirer. The headline is The People Around You Can Make You Sick.

11. Name the tabloids that cover the execution of the Marbles.
Answer: "No mess for Midnite." "And The Tattler, honey." "How could I ever forget Confidential?"

12. What might Babs and her cohorts be "in the mood for" if nothing is printed about the Marbles' execution?
Answer: A barbecue. A human barbecue!

13. What is Babs Johnson's address?
Answer: A trailer, Phoenix, Maryland.

14. What kind of car does Babs Johnson drive?
Answer: A 1957 Cadillac Coupe de Ville.

15. What kind of sandwiches does Connie Marble serve to Cookie?
Answer: Mmm, baloney.

16. What kind of "gift" does Babs give her son, Crackers?
Answer: The gift of divinity!

17. What slur is printed on the card that the Marbles sent to Babs?
Answer: Dear Fatso. ("Agh!" screams Divine.)

18. What does Raymond Marble have tied to his dick when he flashes the single girl in the park?
Answer: A turkey neck. (He uses a sausage in the previous flasher scene with the two girls).

19. Pink Flamingos is dedicated to whom?
Answer: Sadie, Katie, and Les. (These are the aliases of Manson "Family" members Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel, and Leslie Van Houten.)

20. What is the name of the natural mother of the baby adopted by the lesbian couple?
Answer: As Suzie says, "Poor fuckin' Alice dies giving birth, and you can't even bother to move the body!"

21. What song is playing on the soundtrack as Babs goes into the grocery store and steals the steak?
Answer: I'm Not a Juvenile Delinquent, by Frankie Lymon and the Teenagers.

22. In front of whose house does Babs decide to take a tinkle?
Answer: The governor of Maryland.

23. What religious figure attends Babs' birthday party?
Answer: A guy in a white robe plays the part of Jesus Christ. (He expresses shock at seeing the singing asshole.)

24. What is the name of the place where the Marbles keep the impregnated girls?
Answer: Upon returning home and having the furniture "reject" them, Connie Marble shrieks, "Raymond, check the Pit! He may have let the girls go."

25. What song is Babs singing when she is barbecuing the steak?
Answer: That Old Black Magic.

26. According to Babs, what size is Raymond Marble's dick?
Answer: The size of a peanut.

27. What is the name of the sex act in which the Marbles engage?
Answer: Shrimping.

28. What animal was killed during the filming of Pink Flamingos?
Answer: According to JW in Shock Value, only one chicken was killed.

29. Who do the Marbles claim to be when they are confronted with Babs, Crackers and Cotton?
Answer: Harry and Jean Waldo.

30. What is the name of the song playing on the soundtrack during the Singing Asshole scene?
Answer: Surfin' Bird by The Trashmen.


0-5 correct answers: Squeaky Clean Loser. You have no filth awareness. You might as well kill yourself. You have no reason to even be attempting to answer this pop quiz. Just get the fuck out!

6-15 correct answers: Loser, But Not Lost. You have some redeeming filth qualities.You are trainable. Your mission is to see Pink Flamingos at least 50 more times before you can take this quiz again and achieve true filthiness.

16-20 correct answers: Junior Filthmonger. You may not know all your filth, but you know what you like. You probably have filthy friends as well. Ya'll sit around and goose each other and say dirty words, don'cha? Watch Pink Flamingos a few more times (Not that you won't!)

21-25 correct answers: Senior Filthmonger. Filth is your politics; filth is your life! You probably can watch Pink Flamingos and annoy all your friends because you're sitting there mouthing all the lines and playing all the characters, aren't you? You're really sick! We love you!

26-30 correct answers: Filthiest Person Alive. You are filth personified. You live, breathe, eat, and think filth. You have reached Filth Nirvana. They should name a gas station lavatory after you. We honour you! We worship you! Hail! Hail!

Gimme those questions again!


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