Computer Aided Design (CAD) Software
CAD can be very useful when scratchbuilding you own models. I use TurboCAD
Professional V7.1.
You can get some trial CAD software at http://cad.about.com/cs/software/index.htm
Metal Molder Die-Cast
This 'toy' (ages 8+, so I guess I qualify) is a AC powered unit that melts metal
pellets and when melted, you tip the tilting plate and it pours the molten metal into the
The moulds are actually made of a very soft vinyl or latex material and talcum powder
acts as the release agent. The moulds are two sided so you can make complex shapes.
In addition the melting unit, it comes with four moulds (robot, baseball glove, boxing
gloves and skull), ten viles of metal pellets (which I assume is just solder), talcum
powder and applicator brush, sanding board and a key ring.
Its made by Toymax