2001 International Conference on Underground Infrastructure Research The University of Waterloo and the Centre for Advancement of Trenchless
Technologies (CATT) is proud to host the 2001 International Conference on
Underground Infrastructure Research (UIR) – Municipal, Industrial and Environmental Applications.
This four day event will be held at the Four Points Sheraton located in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada on June 10 to 13,
UIR 2001 will bring together leading engineers and scientists in the area of underground infrastructure from around the world.
The conference will focus on topical issues challenging the industry and will provide participants with timely and practical information to deal with
these challenges. The submission of abstracts prior to May 31, 2000, are requested in the following five theme areas:
Installation and Construction,
Performance, Analysis and Design Management
Innovative solutions and guidance for future research
Abstracts are Due on May 31, 2000
Guidelines for Abstract Submission: www.civil.uwaterloo.ca\uir2001
Abstracts can be submitted by E-mailing a MS-Word or Word Perfect file to:
or by delivery to:
CATT, Department of Civil Engineering,
University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 3G1
Jean Hutchinson, Ph.D., P.Eng
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1
Phone: 519 888 4567 ext. 6770 Fax: 519 746 7484
Email: hutchins@sciborg.uwaterloo.ca
Web Page: http://www.science.uwaterloo.ca/earth/hutchins.html