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"Canadian Tunnelling Canadien"

Tunnelling Association of Canada is pleased to present a list of technical papers, articles and communications that have been published in the journal, "CANADIAN TUNNELING CANADIEN", between 19975 and 1998, inclusive. These publications are the result of hard work volunteered by the journal's editing board and many TAC members involved in organizing annual tunnelling conferences. Efforts made by these individuals are greatly appreciated and thankfully acknowledged.

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We hope you will enjoy browsing through TAC's list of publications.


1998 ^
Papers selected from the 15th Canadian Tunnelling Conference:

Boro Lukajic

President’s address

D. Brox, H. Hagedorn

Extreme deformation and damage during the construction of large tunnels

D.E. Coulter, J.P. Haile, F. Margitan, G. Dixon

Design build contractual arrangements for the Mamquam River hydroelectric

projectpower tunnel

P. de Courval, A. Grenon, D. Nguyen

The SM-3 power project: a case history of large underground excavations

G.L. Dollinger, H.J. Handewith, C.D. Breeds

Use of the punch test for estimating TBMperformance

R. Galler

Gripper design of hard rock TBMs - studies for economical tunnelling

B. Garrod, R. Delmar

Earth pressure balance TBMperformance - a case study

H.H. Hartmaier, T.W. Doe, G. Dixon

Evaluation of hydrojacking tests for an unlinedpressure tunnel

P.S. Hobden

Design-build, "friend or foe"

J.Y. Kaneshiro, G.W. McBain, S.J. Navin, G. Colzani, F.B. Estep, R.H. Lee, J.M. Mueller

Partnering under pressure-San Diego's South Bay Ocean Outfall construction experience

J. Kaplin, R. Dowdell, V. Tokle

Directional core drilling for the Metro West water supply tunnel

W.D. Leech, C.R. Linamen, D.S. Hubenak

Addison airport tunnel project

F. Lemy, J. Hadjigeorgiou, F. Charette

,ttat actuel de 1'utilisation du boulonnage dans les mines souterraines en roche dure du Quibec

D. Milne, J. Hadjigeorgiou, R. Pakalnis

Rock mass characterization for underground hard rock mines

B.N. Pennington, J.R. Collins

Recent contracting practices - Sheppard Twin Tunnels project

H. Quick, V. SchOttner, J. Michael, R. Katzenbach,

High speed railway line Cologne to Frankfurt, tunnelling under a highway intersection

B.A. Rebane

Legal implications of emerging contractual relationships in Canadian construction

B.D. Ripley, P.A. Rapp, D.R. Morgan

Shotcrete design, construction and quality assurance for the Stave Falls tunnels



Cracking of shotcrete linings (NATN for tunnels)

D.C. Wyllie, F. Huber, D. Allen, A.G. Dell

Vancouver tunnels

Papers Selected from the 8hCongress of the International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment:

K. Aissaoui, M. Alheib, J.P. Piguet, Y. Derrien

Amilioration de laprivision des affaissements dans les mines a 1'aide des approches empiriques, numiriques et analytiques

M. Alber

Design of high speed TBM drives

J. Brantmark, A. Taube, H. Stille

Excavation of a sub-sea road tunnel at Hvaffl6r6ur, Iceland

Cadiz, A.M. Lawson, W.H. Godwin, R.P. Bell

Geotechnical site investigation of the Arrowhead east and west tunnels, San Bernardino Mountains, California

P. Chryssanthakis, N. Barton, F. Loset, A. Dallas, K. Mitsotakis

Excavating in weak rocks with the Norwegian Method of Tunnelling (NMT)

D. Estoppey, C. Schindler

Geological aspects ofswissmetro, a long-distance high-speed transport system

in the shallow subsurface

G.E. Korbin

Claims and tunnel boring machines: contributing factors and lessons learned

P.G. Marinos, M.G. Novack, M.D. Benissi, G.D. Rovolis, I.S. Papadatos, A.A. Antoniou, K.I. Angelidaki

TBM excavation through weak and heterogeneous rock masses; a geological assessment for engineering purposes in the Athens Metro case

S. Mitani

I.A.E.G. Keynote Address: The state of art of TBM excavation and probing ahead technique

K. Nakagawa, T. Shidahara, Y. Eto, A. Nozaki

Field study on geohydrological aspects of deep sedimentary rock for compressed air storage

R.M. Nolting, F. Duan, Y. Sun

Ground support for emplacement drifts at Yucca Mountain

N.M. Sundaram, 1. Komoo, A.G. Rafek

The influence ofrock mass properties in the assessment of TBMperformance

Y.Y. Tseng, S.L. Wong, B. Chu, C.H. Wong

The Pinglin mechanised tunnelling in difficult ground

K. Thuro, R.J. Plinninger

Geological limits in roadheader excavation -four case studies

B. Windelschmidt, J. Tiedemann

Slurry shield tunnelling, cut-and-cover and caisson sections for a new north-south railway tunnel in the centre of berlin - geotechnical experiences, problems and solutions


F.A. Gil Escobar, S. Yokota

Structural characteristics around the Abejorral marble body and their influence on the instability for chambers of the El Toro mine, Antioquia, Colombia

T. Ohta, H. Saito

Core disking and "rockburst " in soft tuffaceous rock masses of Yotsuyakuformation at Iwate tunnel, northeastern Japan

A.P. Takacs, R.B. Clay

Lessons from a NA TM (SCL) breakthrough in difficult geological conditions

1996 ^
Boro Lukajic

President's address

Keynote Address - 14th Canadian Tunnelling Conference

C.F. Lee

Rock Tunnelling in China - Challenges and Opportunities

Papers Selected from 14th Canadian Tunnelling Conference (in alphabetical order of first author)

S.J. Boone, B. Pennington, A. King, D. Heenan

Compensation Grouting and Tunnelling Beneath Toronto's Spadina Subway Line

C.C. Chang, S.K. Jain, R.J. Angarola, Jr.

Oakwood Beach Interceptor Sewer: A Compressed Air Tunnel Case History

Patrick J. Doig

Mining in Rock with a Soft-ground TBM, Birmingham, Alabama

Brian Garrod, Jan Feberwee, Charles Wheeler

Sheppard Subway - Design of Twin Tunnels

Alfred Haack

Leakage, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Transport Tunnels

John Hart

State-of-the-Art Manufacturing of Precast Concrete Tunnel Liners for the Toronto Subway

V.J. Hebert, Juan Lelito, A. Naudts

Rehabilitation, Maintenance and Decommissioning Category:

Detroit-Windsor Tunnel Rehabilitation - Practical and Innovative Aspects

A. Hefny, K.Y. Lo

Modelling of Long-Term Time-Dependent Deformation and Stress-Dependency of

Queenston Shale

Brian Isherwood, Nadir Ansari, Peter McDonald

St. Clair River Tunnel, Sarnia: Design and Construction of a Shaft for the

TBM Cutterhead Retrieval

K.Y. Lo, Al Hefny

Design of Tunnels in Rock with Long-Term Time-dependent and

and Nonlinearly Stress-Dependent Deformation

Stephen Navin, Jon Kaneshiro, Gregg Korbin, Lok Home, George Williamson

Unique Tunnel Boring Machine for the South Bay Ocean Outfall Project

J.N. Shirlaw, S.J. Boone, J.G. Ball, R. Ng

Geotechnical Investigations for Toronto's Eglinton West Subway Project

J. Westland, J.N. Shirlaw, J.R. Busbridge

Geotechnical Investigations and Assessment of Boulder Frequency for

Toronto's Sheppard Subway Project

Paper Submitted to the Journal

Marwan M. Mohammed, Hani S. Mitri

Access Shaft Sinking in the Greater Cairo Wastewater Project


Bernie Martin, Duncan G. MacLennan

The Negotiated Compressed Process Before & After


Gary S. Brierley

Discussion on "Jet Grouting for Solving Tunneling Problems in Soft Clays"

by D.A. Bruce and G. Pellegrino

Membership Directory

1995 ^
Boro Lukajic

President's address

Bill Pearson

"Selling Solutions - New Ways of Doing Business in the Global

Engineering Village"

Abdelhaq Skiker

Étude expérimentale de la stabilité du front de taille d'un tunnel

en terrain meuble sous l'influence des écoulements hydrauliques

Robert M. Ng and Anne S. Poschmann

Three Case Studies for the Toronto Subway

Peter J. Tarkoy

Contract Documents for Tunnelling & Underground Construction

for Dealing with Geotechnical Issues to Avoid and Resolve Disputes

Peter Hyslop, Don Lister, Clair Murdock

Vancouver's Lions Gate Crossing: Some Bored Tunnel Alternatives

Charles E. Schneeberger, François Vuilleumier, Daniel Colomb

Le tunnel de base du Lötschberg - Conception d'un axe ferroviaire

transalpin en Suisse

D.A. Bruce and G. Pellegrino

Jet Grouting for Solving Tunnelling Problems in Soft Clays

Peter K. Kaiser, Dwayne D. Tannant, Dougal R. McCreath

Rock Support for Tunnelling in Burst-Prone Ground

Brahim Benmokrane and Mohamed Chekired

Behaviour of Post-tensioned Anchors in the Laboratory and Field

Comportement des ancrages précontraints en laboratoire et in situ

J. Hadjigeorgiou, J.F. Lessard, F. Flament

Characterizing In-Situ Block Size Distribution Using

a Stereological Model

A. Hefny and K.Y. Lo

Interpretation of Initial Stresses from Hydraulic Fracturing Tests at

AECL's Underground Research Laboratory, Manitoba


Bill Sherwood

Long Submerged Tunnel Inspections: The Mantaro Headrace Tunnel

Central Andes Mountains, Peru

Z. Aziz, C. Boisjoly, C. Zumaran

Corrosive Water: A Case History of Two Underground Powerhouses

Paper Submitted Directly to the Journal

C.F. Lee, Wang Sijing, Yang Zhifa

Geotechnical Aspects of Rock Tunnelling in China

Membership Directory

1994 ^
Boro Lukajic

President's address

Koichi Ono

Tunnels and Underground Developments in Japan

A.W. Malone

The Use of Underground Space in Hong Kong

Randall J. Essex

Means of Avoiding and Resolving Disputes During Construction

Yu Cheng

Underground Construction in Taiwan

Bruce McKinstry

Fast Tunnelling with Drill & Blast - Tunnel and Shaft Construction at the Sixth

Terry Karlsen

Improving Productivity of Drilling Jumbos Through Automation

M. Mohkam, T. Ciblac

Face Stability of a Tunnel as a Function of the Length and Height Free

of Pressure

Richard J. Robbins

Subsea Tunnels in Bad Rock Conditions

Jon W. Graham

Tunnel Boring at Magma Copper Company's San Manuel Mine

S. Finnsson, H. Janzon, B. Khalighi

Selecting Drive Systems for Hard Rock TBMs

Peter Kogler, Karlheinz Gehring

Innovative TBM-Technology for Two Projects in Korea

Stephen J. Klein, Michael T. Stift, Mark E. Schmoll

Hard Rock Boring in San Diego

John A. McKee, Stanley C. MacGillis, Stephen R. Wilson

Hydrogeological Considerations and Groundwater Control

for the West Rideau Collector Sewer - Phase III

Gerd Sattel, William T. Baker

A Seismic Measurement System for Tunnel Construction

J. Hadjigeorgiou, P. Germain, Y. Potvin

In-situ Estimation of Rock Joint Alteration

Robert J. Smith

Use of Dispute Review Boards for Tunnel Projects

C.T. Chang, J.J. Wang, T.S. Pan

Shield Tunnelling in Taipei Mass Rapid Transit Systems

Marty Oatman, Mike Byers, Alan Larson

West Seattle Tunnel - Risk or Opportunity

M. Mohkam, A. Reda

Confining Pressure, EPBS Major Difficulty

Javier V. de la Garza, Miguel Angel Martinez Corona

One Kilometer of Tunnelling for Subway Line Nr 2, in Monterrey, Mexico

G.W. Kuzyk, D.P. Onagi, S.G. Keith, G.R. Karklin

The Development of Long Blast Rounds at AECL's Underground Research


Ivan P. Lieszkowszky, James Ng, Erik Dullerud

Simco Street Sewer Tunnel in "Squeezing" Shale Rock in Toronto

J.C. Bruce, R.T. Reynolds, K. Biebach

Cassiar Connector Project: Tunnel and Tunnel Systems

Robert M. Ng, Anne S. Poschmann

The Geotechnical Challenges for the Toronto Subway System

J.N. Shirlaw, J.R. Busbridge, X. Yi

Consolidation Settlements over Tunnels: A Review

Bernie W. Martin, Duncan G. MacLennan

The New St. Clair River Railway Tunnel

N. Harrison, R.E. Kerrigan, D.G. MacLennan

The New St. Clair River Railway Tunnel

The Project - Concept and Construction

G.J.E. Kramer, P.D. Tavares, E.R. Drooff

Settlement Protection Works for the

New St. Clair River Rail Tunnel

Gary C. Allen

Inverted Plumb Lines at the Superconducting Super Collider

S.J. Rigbey, J.H.S. Huang, C.M.K. Yuen and M.H. Boase

Exploratory Audit Program for the Niagara River

Hydroelectric Development

Curt Wichmann, Oyvind Sunde

Frost and Watersealing in Road Tunnels

by Cladding in Scandinavia

Author Index

Membership Directory

1993 ^
 K.Y. Lo

President's Message

Adam Chrzanowski, W.J. Trevor Greening, Jacek Grodecki, Jeffrey S. Robbins

Design of Geodetic Control for Large Tunnelling Projects

Alan P. Finch

Heathrow Express High-Speed Rail Link (London, UK)

C. Boisjoly, J. Levay and M. Claisse

the Penstocks of the Laforge-1 Powerhouse (La Grande Complex)

B.D. Ripley and P.A. Rapp

Design and Construction of the Revelstoke Access Project Tunnel and Portals

K.Y. Lo and Ashraf Hefny

The Evaluation of In-Situ Stresses by Hydraulic Fracturing Tests in Anisotropic

Rocks with Mixed-Mode Fractures

Y.N. Lee and K.Y. Lo

The Swelling Mechanism of Queenston Shale

B.L. Garrod, A. Naudts and G.A. Pozzobon

The Detroit River Tunnel Remedial Grouting Program

Heinrich K. Heinz

Maintenance and Repair of Underground Structures - An International Perspective

Bernie W. Martin and Duncan G. MacLennan

Planning, permitting and Approvals of a Large International Transportation Project

H. Charalambu, A.P. Finch and D.G. MacLennan

The New St. Clair River Tunnel - An Overview

J.R. Busbridge, J.N. Shirlaw, J.J. Feberwee, M. Ruel

A Review of the Problems Experienced During the Construction of the

1890 St. Clair Tunnel Using Recent Geotechnical Data

G.J.E. Kramer, R.E. Kerrigan, C.J. Tattersall, J.A. Forbes

Tunnel Enabling Works for the New St. Clair Tunnel

Evert Hoek, José Carvalho, Mark Diederichs

Tunnel Support Design Software

T. Prince, S.E. Evison and R.L. Martin

Rehabilitation of a 915 mm Diameter Sanitary Sewerline by Cured-in-Place Pipe Method

Membership Directory


Lovat Tunnel Equipment Inc.

Golder Associates

Acres International Limited

1992 ^

K.Y. Lo

President's Message

D.R. Morgan, D.F. Wood

International Tunnelling Association Working Group:

Shotcrete Use: A Status Report

D. Lessard, M. Beaupré, D. Nguyen

Utilisation d'un tunnelier pour la traversée sous-fluviale de la ligne

450 kV-C.C. d'Hydro-Québec: Géologie, Caractéristiques Géomécaniques

et comparaison des taux de pénétration théoriques et réels

R. Kochen

Pre-Supported Soft Ground Tunnels

L. Snyder, R. Lovat, R. Williams

Recent Development in the Design of Hard Rock Tunnel Boring Machines

for the Mining Industry

T.K. Lundin, C. Laughton, P.P. Nelson

The First Tunnel Section of the Superconducting Super Collider Project

K.Y. Lo, T. Ogawa, K. Sekiguchi, R.K. Rowe

Large Deformation and Face instability in Tunnelling

Through Thick Fault Zones

J.A. Franklin, L. Zhang, B. Stabel

Prediction of Tunnel Water Inflow

C. Lafrance, R. Pilon, B. Bell

Traversée sous-fluviale du St-Laurent

W.R. Dengler, W.M. Shaver, R. Letourneau

New Technology in Shaft Sinking: The Craig Project

R.W. Tweedie, P.J. Branco, Z. Eisenstein, R.A. Heise

Ground Control During Construction of the Edmonton SLRT Twin Tunnels

Membership Directory

1991 ^

K.Y. Lo

President's Message

D.E. Gill, S. Matte, M. Fortin

Analyse de Stabilité des Tunnels

E.M. De Souza

Automation in Tunnel Instrumentation Monitoring

P.T. Coutinho, P. Branco Jr., H.K. Heinz, Z. Eisenstein

Design and Construction Aspects of Large Tunnels in Soft Ground

G.W. Stevenson, F. Huber

Kemano Completion Project

Rock Mechanics Aspects of Powerhouse Excavation

B.D. Ripley, T.W. Doe, D.G. Baker

Hydraulic Jacking Testing at the Wahleach Power Tunnel Project

L.J. Cousineau

Scheduling Underground Excavation LG 2A Powerhouse

R.S. Read, C.D. Martin

The Underground Research Laboratory Mine-by-Experiment

B.L. Garrod, J.E. Moss, L.A. Williamson

Tunnel Design for the Boston Harbour Effluent Outfall

J.A. Bertrand

Case Histories of Shotcrete in Two Tunnels under the St. Lawrence River

Membership Directory

1990 ^

 K.Y. Lo

President's Message

A.H. Merritt

Tunnelling Under Water: Geotechnical Investigations

H. Posada & L.F. Contreras

Caverns for the La Tasajera Power House of the Riogrande II Hydroelectric Project

S.A. Tejada

Tunnelling for the Riogrande II Hydroelectric Project

B. Ladanyi & D.E. Gill

Design of Tunnel Linings in a Creeping Rock

J. Levay & Z. Aziz

La Grande Complex Phase I to Phase II - Twenty Years of

Experience in Rock Excavation and Treatment

D.R. Morgan & D.F. Wood

Shotcrete for Support of Underground Openings in Canada

Z. Eisenstein & P. Branco

Convergence-confinement Method in Shallow Tunnels/Methode de

Convergence-Confinement pour tunnels peu profonds

K.Y. Lo & J.A. Ramsay

The Effects of Construction on Existing Subway Tunnels

E. Van Walsum

Mechanical Pre-cutting, a Rediscovered Tunneling Technique

Company Profiles

Membership Directory

1989 ^
 R.P. Benson

President's Message

M. Walia, G.W. Stevenson

Tunnelling for the OK Menga Hydroelectric Project

D.B. Powell, C.R. Donnelly, B.K. Sharma, H.H. Hartmaier

Engineering and Construction of Tunnel Portals in Chamera, India

E.C. McRoberts, J.P. Barlow, H.D. Plewes

Geotechnical Design Considerations for SLRT Grandin Station - Edmonton

D.J. Phelps, J.R. Brandt

Design and Construction of Tunnels for the Edmonton LRT

R.W. Tweedie, M.C. Harris G.E. Gerber, Z. Eisenstein

Ground and Structure Monitoring for the Edmonton SLRT - Phase II Tunnels

R.C.K. Wong, P.K. Kaiser

Design and Performance of Vertical Shafts

M. Durand

L'utilisation de la Micro-informatique dans la Cartographie

Géologique D'excavation

D.J. Phelps, J.R. Brandt

Performance of Tunnels in Swelling Rock at the Dickson Dam, Alberta

F.M. Kiwajima, Z. Eisenstein, G.E. Gerber, M.C. Harris

Tunnel Instrumentation Analysis Using a Microcomputer

G. Schmalz, Clair Murdock

Twin 11 m Diameter Road Tunnels at Neuchatel, Switzerland

G.E. Smith

Rogers Pass Tunnel Ventilation

C. Schneeberger, P. Cote, Z. Aziz

Excavation of a Tunnel with TBM Underneath an Aqueduct at Very

Shallow Rock Cover - a Case History

H.A. Leavitt, L.J. Cousineau, M. Langlois

Improvements in Drilling Equipment for Large Tunnels

M.R. Lewis, D.P. Moore

Construction of the Downie Slide and Dutchaman's Ridge Drainage Audits

Reinhard Gnilsen, L.H. Heflin

Alternative Bidding in the United States Using NATM

D.A. Peters, G.W. Kuzyk. O.T. Vik, J.A. MacKintosh

Construction Management of the Shaft Extension Project at Atomic

Energy of Canada Limited's Underground Research Laboratory

Boro Lukajic, Bill Cushing

Ontario Hydro's Recent Tunelling Experience

Membership Directory

1987/88 ^
 R.P. Benson

President's Message

R.P. Benson, M. Walia

The Future of Tunnelling in Canada

J.A. Ramsay

Canadian Tunnelling - The Neroic Past

J.H.L. Palmer

Tunnelling - Past, Present, Future

R.P. Benson

Design of Unlined and Lined Pressure Tunnels

H. Heinz, Z. Eisenstein, S. Thomson

Ground Control in the Rogers Pass Tunnel at the Trans Canada

Highway Crossing

K.Y. Lo, B.H. Cooke, D.D. Dunbar

Design of Buried Structures in Squeezing Rock in Toronto, Canada

K.Y. Lo

Recent Advances in Design and Evaluation of Performance

in Underground Structures in Rocks

D.J. Phelps, J.R. Brandt, C.M.K. Yuen

Design, Construction and Performance of the Dickson Dam Diversion Tunnels

B.P. Semec, J.H.S. Huang, C.F. Lee

Geotechnical Considerations for Proposed Tunnels in Queenston Shale,

Niagara Falls, Ontario

Membership Directory

1986 ^

 R.P. Benson

President's Message

A.R. Bailey

A National Strategy for Canada's Tunnelling Industry

E.W. Brooker, J.W. Stewart

The Roll Out Tunnels of Vancouver's ALRT

Z. Eisenstein, K.L. Sorenson

Tunnelling for the South LRT Extension in Edmonton, Alberta

P.K. Kaiser, P.J. Barlow

Rational Assessment of Tunnel Liner Capacity

B. Ladanyi, D.E. Gill

Tunnel Lining Design in a Creeping Rock

D.S. Matheson, J.G. MacPherson, Z. Eisenstein

Design and Construction Aspects of the Nipawin Drainage Tunnel

J.H.L. Palmer, W.C. Cox, L.B. Geller

An Erector Transporter for the Installation and Removal of Specialized

Mining Equipment Underground

J.H.L. Palmer, R.P. Lovat, J.C. Marchs

Performance of a 7.6 m Diameter Full-Face Tunnel-Boring Machine

Designed for a Canadian Coal Mine

R.K. Rowe

The Prediction of Deformations Caused by Soft Ground Tunnelling-

Recent Trends

Membership Directory

1985 ^

President's Message


Tunnels and Geology in Canada


The Rogers Pass Tunnels


The Canadian National Railway-Tunnels in British Columbia


Developments in extruded tunnel lining systems


Observational method applied to ground control at the Edmonton -LRT tunnels


The characteristic-line concept of lining design in creeping design


Evaluation of cost and empirical support design at B.C. Rail Tumbler Ridge Tunnels



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Copyright © 2000 Tunnelling Association of Canada - Modified: May 03, 1999