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Tunnelling Association of Canada
15th Canadian Tunnelling Conference

Conference Summary

The Tunnelling Association of Canada held its 15th Canadian Tunnelling Conference in Vancouver from 23 to 26 September 1998. The conference was held jointly with the 8th Congress of the International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment. A total of 91 delegates from 9 countries attended the TAC Conference, and ? delegates from ? countries attended the IAEG Congress.

The technical program consisted of 40 presentations that were divided into the themes listed below. Approximately one-half of the presentations were from each of TAC and IAEG delegates.

Tunnel boring machines and engineering geology
TBM design and performance prediction
Investigations and characterization
Soft ground and weak rock
Recent contracting practices in tunnelling

Satoshi Mitani of Japan presented the keynote address titled, The state of art of TBM excavation and probing ahead technique.

The conference proceedings are published in the TAC journal Canadian Tunnelling Canadienne 1998. All existing TAC members will be receiving their copy of the journal shortly. Non-members can purchase the journal from Erika Partsis, the TAC Treasurer, at 1-905-474-9267 (fax).

The following companies were exhibitors at the conference.

A.A. Balkema Publishers
Atlas Copco Robbins *
BC Hydro *
BiTech Publishers
Brookville Mining Equipment
Dywidag Systems International
Elsevier Science
Geological Survey of Canada
Geotech AB
Golder Associates *
Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA
Klohn Crippen Consultants *
Lovat *
Malcolm Drilling
Multiurethanes *
National Mine Services *
Ontario Hydro Technologies
RST Instruments
Slope Indicator
Springer Verlag NY
Synthetic Industries
UBC Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences
Westbay Instruments

* TAC Corporate Member

The conference also included a workshop on Tunnel Inspection, which included the following presentations:

Safety in Tunnel Inspections
Gary Kreller
Inspecting Microtunnels
Steve Klein
Inspecting Drill and Blast Tunnels
Dave Jurich
Inspecting Machine Excavated Tunnels
Rick Gomez
Remote Tunnel Inspections
Carmen Sferrazza
Special Access Tunnel Inspections
Special Access Methods, Angus Borland
Wahleach and Whatshan Case Study, Paul Rapp

A field trip to the Stave Falls Hydroelectric Project was held. Attendees visited the existing 87 year old powerhouse, the new power facilities under construction, including the powerhouse, tunnels and intake.

Stave Falls Site

(Existing powerhouse in upper left, new powerhouse excavation in lower right)



TAC President Boro Lukajic at the TAC luncheon presented the following TAC members with dedicated service awards.

Murty Devata
Erika Partsis
Garry Stevenson
Duncan Wyllie


TAC Awards
(L to R: Stevenson, Devata, Wyllie, Partisis, Lukajic)

The TAC announced the following upcoming events.

A Microtunnelling Workshop will be held in Edmonton in Fall 1999. Details can be obtained from Frank Policicchio at 1-403-944-7743 (fax)

The 16th Canadian Tunnelling Conference will be held in Montreal in 2000.


Special thanks to Lovat Inc., who provided significant financial support for the 15th Canadian Tunnelling Conference.

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