The following is a simple exercise in building Unix survival skills:

!_create a directory called alfie_welcome, 
  such that any user on the system can 
  cd into and list the contents of alfie_welcome 
!_in alfie_welcome, create two simple text files, 
  foo_welcome.txt and bar_anal.txt, 
  such that any user on the system 
  (any "Other", in Unix "User-Group-Other"
  permissions parlance) can read the contents of 
  and such that only you yourself (the "User", in Unix 
  permissions parlance) and the superuser 
  can read the contents of bar_anal.txt
!_create a directory called albert_anal,   
  such that only you yourself (the "User", in Unix 
  "User-Group-Other" permissions parlance) and the superuser can 
  cd into and list the contents
  of albert_anal
!_create a subdirectory betty of albert_anal, 
  and a subdirectory charlie of betty; 
  and put a few files into betty
!_create an alias bettygo such that typing bettygo
  at your command-line prompt will make betty your working
  directory, no matter where in the filestructure you may
  presently be 
!_create an alias bettyls such that typeing bettyls
  at your command-line prompt will list the contents of betty 
  (_including any files in betty whose names start with dot, 
    in the style .foofile), 
  showing their permissions and creation date, 
  and sorting them in forward chronological order of creation
  (_most recently created last),  
  no matter where in the filestructure you may presently be 

The follwing is a simple, rather open-ended, exercise in building survival skills in the editor vi:

!_discuss how, within vi, without a mouse,
  to simulate at least a reasonable
  part of the "clipboard" functionality of Microsoft Windows
  and Unix X Windows
  (_what might be a clean, efficient, no-mouse way of implementing
    something reasonably close to the MS and X Windows concepts
    of copying to a clipboard, and of pasting from a clipboard?)