Summer Film Series - 2011
The Fall/Winter series might be over but not to worry. The Toronto Film Society is here to help assuage our members desire for fantastic classic movies. Screened over seven monday nights during the months of July and August the films of the summer film series generally follow a theme. In last years, 2011, series we presented From Page To Screen, 14 movies based on various books and other literary works.
Please stay tuned for details and film listings for the 2012 summer series.
From Page To Screen
Location: Carlton Cinema at 20 Carlton Street. The NE corner of Yonge and
Screening Time: 7:30pm
Cost: Series Membership of 14 films for $80 (that's less that $5.75 per film
when you buy the full series) Note: Your T.F.S. membership card will get
you a discount at any of The Carlon's regular screenings thoughout the year.
Please Note: Regular Carlton Cinema box office pricing will not apply to Toronto Film Society screenings.
TTC: College subway and streetcar stop just steps away.
PARKING: Lot parking close by on Church Street, limited street parking out front.