Fall/Winter Film Series - 2011
The Toronto Film Society would like to welcome you to the 2011 Fall/Winter Film series. As usual we are offering two sets of films, a Monday night series and a Sunday matinee series. Our Monday night series, entitled Oscar Oversights consists of 14 films in 7 double bills at The Carlton Cinema. Screenings begin at 7:30pm sharp and feature acclaimed actors and directors that didn't get the statue in competition during their illustrious careers. The Sunday matinee series, entitled Film Buffs is a series of 14 films in 7 double bills at Innis Town Hall. Screening begin at 2:00pm sharpe and feature films for the "film buffs" in all of us. We are looking forward to seeing you there.
Oscar Oversights (Monday Nights)
Location: Carlton Cinema at 20 Carlton Street. The NE corner of Yonge and
Screening Time: 7:30pm
Cost: Series Membership of 14 films for $80 (that's less that $5.75 per film
when you buy the full series) Note: Your T.F.S. membership card will get
you a discount at any of The Carlon's regular screenings thoughout the year.
Please Note: Regular Carlton Cinema box office pricing will not apply to Toronto Film Society screenings.
TTC: College subway and streetcar stop just steps away.
PARKING: Lot parking close by on Church Street, limited street parking out front.
Oscar Oversights Film Schedule
Film Buffs (Sunday Matinee's)
Location: Innis Town Hall The corner of St. George and Sussex.
Screening Time: 2:00pm
Cost: Series Membership of 14 films for $80
PARKING: Limited street parking out front, metered University parking also available.