This site was constructed in a Windows NT & Windows 95 environment using Acad r13, 3D Studio 4, 3D Studio MAX, Rhino 3D, POV (Persistence of Vision Raytracer), CorelDraw, PhotoShop 4, Illustrator, QuarkXPress 3.2 and FrontPage 98 The hardware used is a Pentium 166 on a ASUS TX 97 with 128MB of RAM. The system has 4.7 Gigs of hardrive space. It uses ATI Mach 64 Pro Turbo PC2TV with 4 MB to drive a 15" MicroScan 4GP monitor. The voice is generated by a SoundBlaster AWE 32.connected to a Pioneer Stereo System. The link to the collective is by a USRobotics 28.8 fax modem. The Calcomp Drawing Slate with pressure sensitive pen supplemented by a 16 button puck, and a ThrustMaster Pro flight control system is the human to machine interface. This site is best explored with NETSCAPE Navigator 3.04 and above and with the font "Zurich LTCn BT" loaded |
Šopyright 1997 Vince Ng Design/RevCor. a division of Rayvinson Enterprises. All Rights Reserved. |