- Here's where you find issues number 8 and number 9 of CRASH,
an occasional litzine with poetry, stories, reviews, cartoons, whatever.
Edited by Maggie Helwig and M Erskine and strangely famous among a tiny
number of people in many countries. The hard copy version has more weird
shit and pictures that you won't get here, so do consider sending $10 (for
a five-issue subscription) to PO Box 562, Stn P, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M5S 2T1
- On the Toronto Small Press Fair page you will find links to member presses and other useful sites. (this page was originally hosted in our webspace here)
- Lowlife Publishing also produces various
chapbooks, mostly poetry. Look here for a list and samples of contents.
- This is the Maggie's Stuff corner. I'll be
putting various of my poems, essays, stories or whatever up here as their
first outing in the world. This is pretty self-referential behaviour, but
that's what the internet's like I guess. Also info about how to order my
books if you really want to.
You should also look at maggiehelwig.com.