Start at Crystal Lake State Park, Barton Vermont back
Fans near Brownington back
View from Route 5A North, Brownington back
Rt.5A North, Charleston back
Pensioner Pond, Charleston back
Rt.5A North, Charleston back
Junction of 5A and 105 West, Charleston back
Lake Salem, Derby back
Rt.114 South, Brighton back
Island Pond back
Rt.114 South, Brighton back
East Haven back
old schoolhouse, East Haven back
Rt.5 North, Lyndonville back
Rt.5A North, Willoughby back
Aid Station, Willoughby back
Aid Station, Willoughby back
Rt.16 West, Barton back
Riders before heading out back
Will Werntgen of Glover, Vt., completed 100 miles on his recumbent back
Paul Nadeau of Florida, oldest finisher, age 71 back
Addison Graves, Richmond Vt., youngest rider yet, with his mom, Martha Alexander back
Aid Station at Haskell Library and Opera House, Derby Line back
Aid Station in Brighton State Park, Island Pond back
T-shirts from the first 4 years back
First rider to the finish line! back
Showed up at Crystal Lake, but didn't end up riding back
End of the ride, Crystal Lake back
Route 5A back
Lake Willoughby back