The Objective:
To fully
appreciate the importance of Vimy Ridge, it is important to first realize a
number of facts. The taking of Vimy Ridge was very important offensively as it
was a key position of the German line in Northern France but it was even more
important for the Germans to NOT lose Vimy Ridge. Their position in the entire
region would be destabilized should the ridge fall into allied hands. The
Ridge held a commanding view of the entire Douai Plain. Loss of the ridge
would expose vast territory of German held positions to allied sight and
allied guns. Vimy Ridge was the “hinge” of the German line
as it protected the newly constructed Hindenburg line and also the length of
the western front as it traveled north-west into Flanders and on to the
channel. It is also important to note that upwards of 150,000 British and
French casualties had been inflicted between 1914 and 1916 with no positive

Vimy Ridge itself
stands about 110 metres at the high point and runs for 8 – 10 kilometres in
length. The allied side of the ridge was a long gradual slope which made its
way to the crest where a sharp drop fell into the expansive Douai Plain. The reality of the geography gave the Germans a clear and uninterrupted sight line
of all enemy advances while the Allies could only use aircraft to see beyond
the crest and into enemy held territory. The Germans had developed a series of
three highly fortified defensive lines utilizing machine gun, artillery and
barbed-wire to produce ground that, in their view, could not be over-taken. To
add to the defences above ground, the Germans had constructed a vast network
of underground tunnels and living quarters safely placed below a danger zone
from artillery shells – equipped with electricity, medical facilities and many
of the “comforts of home”.
The attack on
Vimy was a part of a larger British attack in the Arras region. The plan
called for a massive movement across no-man’s land by British forces on either
side of the ridge while the pressure of capturing the ridge fell to the
Canadians. Should this high ground stay in enemy hands, it would insure
failure on the battle front generally and cost countless lives in another
failed push to break the German line.
Commanded by
Lt.-General Sir Julian Byng and Major-General Arthur Currie, the Canadians
were united into a single Corp and given what was considered by many, this
impossible task. I personally think that one could never lavish too much
praise on the vision and planning of these two gentlemen. The war to that
point had been one bloody massacre after another. Very little territory taken
and no clear vision or plan developed to bring about a successful end to the
conflict. The Canadian Corp would institute a change in strategy and approach
that would truly bring about the beginning of the end. The “let’s throw bodies
in the path of machine gun bullets” approach to war was not going to cause the
slaughter of the Canadian volunteers. Byng and Currie would re-vamp the old
habits and inflict the first allied victory of the war against the German
lines. An offensive strategy had been developed – a Canadian offensive
Currie and Byng
had been a team since the horrific battles around Ypres at Hill 62, Sanctuary
Wood and Mount Sorrel of 1916. Currie had been a leader in the Canadian forces
at St. Julien during the gas attacks in April 1915. As a Canadian observer,
Currie had witnessed, first hand, the problems faced by the French at Verdun.
Unlike many of their counter-parts in the High-Command, these men learned from
past mistakes.
They were not going to lead the Canadian Corps into battle, armed with
the failing plans of the Somme or Verdun.
The Platoon System:
Up to Vimy,
attacking forces threw wave after wave of infantry into the battle. These
close-packed soldiers had little chance to succeed against the artillery,
machine gun fire and barbed wire. The results were usually large casualties
and little
success. The Canadians developed a system of placing specialists in
machine-guns, bombs (grenades) and rifle specialists within a single platoon.
These platoons would strike at the enemy, not in a straight line, but in a
much looser action where German defenders had less chance of merely mowing
down the attackers. This attack would find the attackers able to cover their
own advances.
Officers would
stay more closely with their platoons, able to adapt and direct actions much
more effectively and quickly. The men would also be fully briefed as to their
objectives. Maps and rehearsals would be provided to each man. This would end
confusion in the attack and bring the men more fully into the over-all
objective of the attack. Should officers be killed, the attack could continue
as planned. By the time the attack had begun, 21 miles of signal cable and 66
miles of telephone wire had been buried on the battlefront. The corps had dug
11 underground tunnel-ways to aid in the movement and protection of the
troops. These underground roads were equipped with electricity, medical
stations, supplies and rest stations. Portable bridges were built to assist in
the movement of artillery pieces over the more difficult terrain and trenches.
Indirect Machine-Gun
Up to Vimy,
machine-guns were primarily a defensive weapon. Their obvious advantage again
the infantry kept them in place at the trenches and successfully wiped out
many a brave man. With over 400 bullets firing per minute, per gun, bravery
meant little. The Canadian Corps decided to put these defensive traits into
action while on the offensive. Thanks to Lt.-Col R. Brtinel’s plan of
“indirect firing” onto exact enemy positions both day and night, movement
ceased at the German lines. Raids proved too dangerous and repair of
barbed-wire almost impossible. The machine-gun fire became a supplement to the
artillery barrage. During the attack, the lighter weight Vickers guns would be
set up along with the Canadian advances providing both cover and a true
offensive power designed to keep the German troops from attempting their usual
The Canadians set
up a massive strike capability with their field artillery. Almost 250 heavy
guns and about 600 lighter gauged field guns were aimed at enemy positions.
For three weeks, Canadian guns, hammered at German positions. Previously
mapped German machine-gun and artillery positions were targeted as the attack
began – silencing the guns and not allowing the Germans to move their
emplacements. An average of 2,500 tons of shells rained down on the German
positions daily. Far back in the German lines, transportation and
communications positions were destroyed, stopping food, ammunition and fresh
troops from reaching the front lines. Feeding the Canadian guns was a network
of rail lines built to bring the huge numbers of shells into position. Special
fuses were developed for shells that would cause an almost instantaneous
explosion, designed to take out enemy barbed wire. One of the more tragic
features of the British barrage at the Somme had been their inability to take
out the barbed wire. During the week preceding the attack (the “week of
suffering” as the Germans called it) over one million shells were fired at
Vimy Ridge.
The Rolling Barrage:
A plan had been
developed to attack the German lines using both the infantry and artillery in
concert with each other. After almost 3 years of war, the German defenders had
been accustomed to waiting for the end of the artillery to move from their
protected positions and man their machine-guns with ample time to kill the
attackers. The Canadian plan called for artillery to keep an exact pace in
front of the Canadian troops moving across “no-man’s-land”. A well-rehearsed
movement of man and shell, moving at a pace of about 100 yards every 3 minutes
would attack the enemy trenches. This would provide a dangerous but effective
cover for the Canadians. German machine-guns were kept silent as gunners
stayed protected within the tunnels and trenches. It also, afforded an element
of surprise as many Germans left their positions to face their attackers only
to find the Canadians already at their trench.
Good Intelligence:
Nothing was left
to chance. As mentioned above, enemy positions were mapped in preparation for
the final artillery assault. Microphones placed through-out “no-man’s-land”
were triangulated enemy fire. Aircraft and balloons spotted where possible and
maps and information gathered from trench raids all put together a picture of
the German defences. German artillery battery positions were calculated and
machine-gun nests plotted – most to be devastated on the morning of April 9.
In charge of this task was Lt.-Col. Andrew McNaughton, hailed by many as the
most talented artillery man on the front. By the attack, McNaughton and those
manning the Canadian guns had destroyed about 85% of the German batteries.
Preceding the attack, trench raids were carried out to glean as much
information of the enemy terrain as possible.
April 9, 1917:

On April 9, 1917
– Easter Monday – at 5:28 am the battle was engaged. The weather was a
combination of snow and sleet. Underground mines were exploded, gas shells
fell onto German positions and transportation routes, artillery began to hit
German positions
and machine-gun fire swept the enemy’s positions. Over 11,000 guns (including
British pieces) opened up on the ridge. The Canadians kept to their timetable
and followed their detailed plans. By early afternoon, 3/5 of their objectives
were taken. Thousands of Germans were taken prisoner and many thousands more
had been killed. Still to be taken were the high ground positions called “the
Pimple” (largely the responsibility
of the British forces attached to the Canadians and Hill 145 (the highest
ground – site of the memorial today). By the morning of April 10, Hill 145 had
been taken – largely due to the incredible efforts of the work battalion from
Nova Scotia. By April 12, the Canadians had reinforced those attacking “the
Pimple” and after great effort had taken this from German hands as well.
By the end of the
battle, all objectives had been met. Canadians had established themselves as
an elite fighting force. The German line had been soundly breached and the
Canadians had fended off any thoughts of a German counter-attack.
this victory was not to be the sweep through the German lines that it could
have been. Allied high command had not prepared for such a breakthrough. There
were no British battalions ready to carry on through the breach in the German
lines. Both the French and British offensives of that month failed.
has often been said that Canada’s sons left their home as young colonials but
returned as Canadians. Vimy is indeed the birthplace of “Canadian Nationhood”.
The price was heavy: 10,500 casualties, including 3,598 dead.

May They Rest in Peace - Never To
Be Forgotten

Vimy Ridge As Seen From The Douai Plain

Inside Vimy's Tunnels
A Section of The Statuary of The Vimy

The Original Walter Allward Plaster
As Displayed at The Canadian War Museum in Ottawa

by John Stephens
last updated:
December 2022
This animation, provided by Paul
Amirault, recreates pivotal elements critical to the successful
engagement at Vimy Ridge April 9, 1917. Key to the movie, was the accurate
re-creation of the battle area of Vimy Ridge. To this end, one highly detailed
colour battle map that accurately depicted both the British/Canadian trenches,
the German trenches and the topology was key in the reconstruction

additional information and Photographs can be found on's
Photo Gallery and
Touring Vimy and
Flanders sections.
back to Canada & the Great War
