....was born in 1944 in Chemnitz, Germany, and did frustrate my parents by complaining
about long hikes in the My canoe trips in Ontario's north have taught me that our wilderness will disappear if we do not fight for it. We can no longer believe that these precious places are so inaccessible that they will stay untouched. The traditional threat of logging and mining is overshadowed by the advance of technology: ATVs allow motorized travel way beyond the last dirt road, and GPS technology takes the fear of getting lost out of the modern intruder. Development is pushing roads further and further north, right to the shores of our northern seas, and these roads spawn more roads, thus eating away at the tracts of wilderness that still exist. I have no problem to share these spaces with others - I am a newcomer myself - but such discovery must not result in the destruction of these treasured places. Technology in the name of recreation must not be allowed to destroy the land, and even development - where necessary - can be pursued with consideration. Thus, I have for four years now been active as the Environmental Representative of the Wilderness Canoe Association (WCA) and have recently joined with others to establish Save Wilderness Canoeing, an organization to work towards this very goal. Erhard Kraus
You can reach me at erhard@interlog.com |