FULL NAME: Gary Barlow
DATE OF BIRTH: January 20, 1971
BIRTHPLACE: Cheshire, England
STAR SIGN: Aquarius
HEIGHT: 5'10" ("on a good day")
EYES: Green
FAMILY DETAILS: Mum Marjorie, dad Colin, and brother Ian who's got his own building business
BAD HABITS: Flicking people's ears and leaving things round people's houses
QUALITIES: A good laugh, sincerity, realistic, hardworking
SHOES: "The lads are on at me to stop wearing these free Caterpillar boots I've had for a year but there's a lot of wear in them yet. I also like my Next boots which I got for #24 in the summer."
LIKES: Coffee, music, my power book, Pet Shop Boys, Seal, Aaron Neville, massages, people playing with my hair, Drifters, the film Awakenings, writing songs, playing piano, and going to the cinema
DISLIKES: Exercise, smoking, going shopping for clothes, violence
PETS : Rabbit, two dogs, and a fish
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Scar on left cheek
GARY ON PUBLIC TRANSPORT: "I don't like buses much. The last time I went on a bus was about a year ago when Howard dragged me into town. I learned to drive as soon as I could so I've always driven everywhere. But if I'm in London sometimes I sneak out to go for a look in the shops and I'll just buy a travel card and get on the trains."
GARY ON FOOD: "I love my food. I love a good curry. Me and J and 'Ow are always up for a good Ruby. I like Italian and I like cheese and onion Ringos. I could eat ice cream by the gallon and I did try to give up chocolate once, but I only lasted a few months. I like fresh coffee too, oh yes, a nice cafetiere..."
GARY ON HIS FEET: "The Cats I've got are actually two sizes too big. You see, I've got quite wide feet, so I have to buy a bigger size sometimes to accommodate them."
GARY ON HIS NAME: "I don't know where this rumour started that my middle name was William because it isn't! But even the people at the fan club thought it was William. It's not. Just plain Gary Barlow. Not much of a pop star name, is it? Gary Barlow?"
GARY ON TRAVELLING: "Do you know what? We've been to so many countries and I remember them all by the food. I could tell you a restaurant in each place!"
GARY ON HIS BEST MATES: "It's frightening how close we've all become. The lads in the band are my best friends. If we weren't, it wouldn't work. But we're at the stage now where we should all be rowing and falling out with each other and we're not. We're even closer than before. It's spooky."
A THING TO REMEMBER ABOUT GAZ: He cried so much as a baby that his mum thought he was ill. He wasn't, he just liked crying.