Psychic Centre
Book Shop
2906 Danforth Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M4C 1M1
(Danforth at Victoria Park Avenue)
416-691-3335 Jackie Lewis


Psychic Readings:



Tarot Card Readings

Treat yourself to a pychic reading and gain insight into career, finances, work,
romance, family, relationships ,and health.

Tarot Cards, Clairvoyance, Crysal Ball, Aura Reading, Psychometry

Tarot Cards have the symbology to activate and open-up the Subconsicous
Creative Mind so there is an intuitive telepathic communication between the
psychic reader and the client.

Clairvoyance is the act of seeing images in the past, present and futurre.

Crystal Ball Crystal Ball or Scrying
The term in-depth perception applies to reading the crystal ball. Scrying or Crysal Ball reading is the art of looking into the middle or centre of the crystal ball to activate the clairvoyance inorder to see silhouettes or images. The images could be of people, animals, objects like cars, houses, ocean scenes, whatever. And sometimes the images may move like a movie film.

The aura is the electro-magnetic energy field around the body, Jackie Lewis will
do a drawing of you and draw and colour your aura.

Jackie Lewis is a clairvoyant and uses the tarot cards, crystal ball and will read your aura. Jackie has been doing readings for professional for 17 years and is 85-95% accurate.

Psychic readings Prices

30minutes for $ 65.00
45 minutes for $ 99.00
60 minutes for $125.00
90 minutes for $155.00

An audio tape of the reading is included for your conenience to listen to at you leisure.

All prices include tax and are all inclusive.

An appointment is necessary

We also provide Telephone Psychic Readings recorded for you over the telephone. We requirer a valid VISA, Mastercard, American Express credit card, money order or cheque. An extra charge of $3.00 is required for mailing the recorded Psychic Reading.


416-691-3335 telephone,

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May 17, Tuesday 2005 is the Next Tarot Workshop
at the store.
We also do workshops here at the store on Tarot Cards, how to read Auras, How

Learn the placement of the cards and how to sense their meanings
Learn how to tune-into the person your reading
Learn about the crystal ball, if time allowing
Learn how to read auras, if time allowing

Jackie Lewis will teach you the basics of Tarot Card Reading so you can divine the past, present and future.

you also learn to relax with two medications.
. Usually there's a group of 6-8 people and you pair up with a partner and practice doing tarot readings on each other, and Jackie will be available for questions. Handouts are also include in the workshop.You will have time in the workshop to practice readings on each other. It's a fun evening.,

Three hour course: 6:30PM To 9:30PM
$35.00 course fee

Crystal Ball Crystal Ball or Scrying

The term in-depth perception applies to reading the crystal ball. Scrying is looking iinto the middle of the crystal ball, not at the bottom or the surface to see Images or silhouettes of people, animals, objects like cars, houses, ocean scenes,,
whatever. And sometimes they may move and change like a movie.



There are a variety of psychics to do readings for private parties, fundraisers and corporate parties.

The hourly rate is $100.00 per hour with a two hour minimum. The readings can be timed at 15 minutes or longer but no shorter then 10 minutes per person. Tarot cards, palmistry, straight clairvoyance, photograph readings.

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The aura is the electrical magnetic field surrounding the physical body. Everything about you is encoded in the aura; past, present and future lives.

Aura's how to read them [The Booklet] © Jackie Lewis

The aura is the electrical magnetic field or the consciousness surrounding the body. The body is housed within the consciousness or energy field. The energy field emanates and radiates in all directions, the energy goes in all directions; in, out and all around. Feelings and emotions are emanated by the individual outwardly like a sun. If one is happy that energy goes out into the world. Your energy vibrations are picked-up by other people. Your energy affects your environment, permeate your surroundings', home, business, office, clothes, jewelry, car, etc.. Humour lightens the aura emissions. Doing activities you enjoy like sports, walking in nature, or doing a hobby or talent you enjoy like writing, artwork, singing, dancing, playing music, acting, photography etc. put the brain into a state of Alfa. Alfa or being in the zone means you are accusing the subconscious-creative mind and worries are left behind. This relaxed state is happiness. You are refreshed by being in the subconscious mind which makes problem solving easy, like coming back from a mini vacation and seeing all the alternatives.

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How to see the aura

relax, relax, relax - relaxation is the key and defocusing the eyes.

Meditation is the best way to learn how to relax.
Meditation teaches you how to relax the physical body and the emotions so you can access the subconscious mind. Breathing is an important part of it...breathing always relaxes the nerves.

Validate your clairvoyant seeing by writing down what you see on a daily basis, this could be a colour or white light, note the movement if any, an image seen and specks of light, a fuzzy glow, whatever. Write it down and dated it in a small note pad you keep with you, document it for your conscious mind and you will see more frequently. Do this exercise.

A white background is the best for viewing the aura.

How to Mediate - Aura Meditation

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You need to open your chakras in order to read auras or Tarot Cards for other people. Here is a meditation to help you open the chakras; sit in a comfortable position with the spine straight like in a chair, legs and arms uncrossed, visualize a white/blue colour, the same colour as the sky, this is a very healing colour, breathe in this white/blue healing light and on the exhale, let go of any anxieties on the exhale.

Do this three times with the breathe. Next, take your conscious mind and go down to your feet, start to relax the feet muscles, toes first, balls of feet, heels, slowly and letting go of any tension in the feet, then go to the ankles letting go of tension in the muscles next go up to the chin muscles, calve muscles, thighs, sitting muscles, abdomen, relax the lower back just enough to keep you upright in your chair, chest and shoulder muscles in repose now the upper arms, lower arms, hands, fingers see any unnecessary tensions leaving the body through the finger tips, now relax the neck muscles just enough to keep your head upright, then lower jaw where there is usually a lot of tension, let the jaw go slack now relax the face muscles, the brow then scalp.

While the body is relaxed do the technique of channeling White Light. See a small crystalline white ball of pulsating crackling light just above your head then see a shaft of white light come down from the bottom of the ball of white pulsating energy through the top of your head, your crown chakra, clearing and cleansing, balancing, aligning ,energizing that chakra. When that is down continue bring the white light down to the brow chakra and do the same using a violet colour, clearing and cleansing, balancing, aligning ,energizing that chakra,take a minute or two to do each chakra, continue to bring the light down to the throat chakra, use a medium blue colour, now the heart chakra - a emerald green colour; solar plexus chakra - a yellow; power chakra - orange, root chakra

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Diagram of chakras on body and colours

Coming out the front and back of the head, see diagram, cone shapes, do this all down the body with the charkas colour to root chakra then with a count to 10 slowly and gently
come out of the meditation alert and refreshed. Slowly moving the physical body so not to jerk it.

The affirmation I use to assist me in opening up my chakras is as follows: "Love is the key. Love opens many doors, I open my Heart and let the energy flow without fear of being hurt and without fear of taking on anyone else's difficulties."

In a group situation, the whole group will channel energy to the selected person to be viewed at the same time the group will be able to view that person's aura.

Be patient and learn to defocus your eyes for several minutes. If nothing happens, do it again the next day. Be patient. Soft flashes of light like small light bulbs turning off and on are usually you seeing your own aura. I also see guides as white\blue,indigo, yellow or violet balls of light softly coming and going. I also see guides as humanoid figures of various colours, usually indigo or violet and\or purple.

Use the peripheral vision by defocusing the eyes. You may see shapes, moving quarter moons mean change, impression of owls, white snake, angels.

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Affirmations speak to the emotions to feel safe enough to open-up without fear of being hurt and without fear of taking-on anyone else's difficulties.

I am only influenced by the Highest evolved beings of the light that love me and wish me well and my own Guides and Higher Self. You can ask your higher self's name by using the dream state. Write on a piece of paper, Dear Higher Self, What is you name? I ask for guidance and assistance. Thank you, then sign your name and put the paper under your pillow and give you self a suggestion as you are falling asleep, I will remember my dream, I will remember my dream......zzzzz.

Say the affirmations before each aura reading.

You may see extraterrestrials like Zeta Reticuli, Reptilian race, Pleiades, ant like humanoids that stand upright.

I first saw my own aura while brushing my teeth in my washroom, the wall behind me is white and small lights flashed on and off softly around me.

On another occasion I saw my own aura while feeling relaxed and happy, it had an Arizona blanket pattern, zig zag with orange and brown triangles. When I felt anxious my aura would vibrated so fast in an up and down motion that all I saw was a blur of white light. When I calmed myself down, by breathing, I would see the pattern again.

When you see lights or images write them down on a pad of paper and date it. Then you can ask your guides what they mean the lights or images what it means or ask your guides what they mean. That is secondary to developing your Sight. Some people, when you mention your seeing lights and colours around them will ask what that means. Just give them what your sensing.

Two affirmations to say before each aura reading to help the intellect and emotional bodies accept and not to be afraid.

I am only influenced by the highest evolved beings of the Light that love me and wish me well and my own guides and Higher Self.
Love is the key. Love opens many doors. I open my heart and let the energy flow without fear of being hurt and without fear of taking on anyone's difficulties.

Relax and breathe a few deep gentle breathes. You need to relax to see the aura then learn to defocus your eyes. Gaze relaxed and defocused about one foot above the person's head. Ask the person being viewed to do a few relaxing gentle breathes too.

The more relaxed you and they are the easier is will be to view their aura. You can further connect with the person, you viewing can imagine a small ball of pulsating white energy, crackling with energy, just above your head then imagine a stream of this energy coming from the bottom of the ball of White Light downwards entering your head then continuing downwards into your solar plexus area then over that person's solar plexus area.

Keep this ball of white energy flowing during of the reading, remind the subconscious to do this by holding a semiprecious stone. This technique is channeling Universal Energy through yourself to another person. It will brighten their aura and you will benefit by channeling it, it is all around you, you would not last long if you didn't breathe the energy in the air. It also increases or heightens your awareness in order to get you into higher levels of your mind, the subconscious creative mind make them easier to read/view.

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Defocusing techniques

Look at wall straight ahead while keeping eyes in the centre of your eye, not looking up or down or sideways. Place one hand over and back of your head palm facing head without touching head of hair. Pretend there are a pair of
eyes in the palm of the hand and you are looking out of them through the back of your head to the wall in front of you. Allow your eyes to go blurry. Also look backwards past the hand to infinite space. What is happening? Could play relaxing music.

Do a lot of mediation to relax the body and mind first.
Use 3D or 5D pictures to help you learn to defocus the eyes.

One Wednesday night session with the Transeekers I saw people's guides as I would see physical people. This frightened me and I blocked it and worried about having to draw them as an excuse not to see them vividly.

Example: Aura painting of Transeekers of what I saw of them that private session.

Diagram of person's head position

Past Present Future

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Colour meanings in the aura

Purple means change
violet mean a highly developed soul, old soul.
Indigo is psychic abilities
yellow the intellect
golden yellow a very bright intellectual mind
blue green is music talent
emerald green is balance
red is physical vitality
magenta is sex, passion
pink is unconditional love

How to read tarot cards

How to read tarot cards the key is to relax, relax, relax.... The cards are a tool to open the clairvoyant doors. Hold a small semi-precious stone to remind you to channel Universal energy. Affirmation to say before each reading. ÒI am only influenced by the Hightest Evolved Brings of the Light that love me and wish me well and my own Guides and Highter Self.Ó Emotionally connect by visualizing a small white ball of luminescent pulsating energy (Universal Energy ) just above your head, see it crackling with energy. See a beam of light coming from the bottom of the small ball of light down into the crown chakra and gently travelling down to the solar plexis area and then over to the other personÕs solar plexis. Affirmation to say:ÒLove is the key, love opens many doors, I open my heart and let the energy flow without fear of being hurt and without fear of taking-on any of their difficulties for I do not need to learn that.Ó Hold an item, a ring , watch or bank card of the person being read and only worn by them and for at lease 3 to 6 months, not too new. This helps you to tune into the person much quicker. It has their vibrational frequency on it. Ask the intellectual mind to step aside and say, ÒI am not concerned if the information is correct or not , it is what it is, I do not have to understand it, it is information, so body relax , I am enjoying the process.Ó I focus myself and alter my vibrational frequesies to match the person and literally become that person for the duration of the reading and access information through that. Key card If you feel pressed by them express to them:, I am just the messenger. I can not do it for you. I am not here to make youÕre decisions for you. The important thing is that you receive the information. It does not need to make sense to me, if you want me to elaborate then I will flip a card and see how that fits in. Blocked flow of information state to them; This is all that is coming. This is an important point in your life. You have to make the decision. I can only give what you give me. The key card is an over-view of what is happening.The bottom three cards explain the top one in detail. major archana need to be studed and mediatied on and to walk throught them in your mind. People cards are people. Swords represent the mind. Wands represent communication. Cups represent the emotions. Coins represent business and money, material things. After reading. You will always return to your own individual frquency, just do another activity for a few minutes and you will be back to yourself. Develop your own meanings by letting the cards talk to you and by reading your own cards. If someone does not like your reading do not take is personally, this could discourage you from reading again. ItÕs a good idea to time yourself and affirm, ÒI trust and feel that they hear what they need to hear from me within the alotted time period.Ó I do not have to make sense out of what I am seeing. This is what it is. The Knowledge of the Ancients has been inscripted in what is called The kabbalah, and it is also then turned itÕs attention onto what is called the Tarot Cards. If you look at the tree of life, you will see that there are very many similarites.