Book Shop
Danforth Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M4C 1M1
(Danforth at Victoria Park Avenue)
416-691-3335 Jackie Lewis
Rare Editions
This is just a sample of the books we have in stock.
Some on the list have been sold or email with your
request - bookshop@interlog.com
Nature's Ways by Roy Chapman Andrews
Love Is A Special Way Of Feeling by Joan Walsh Anglund
National Velvet by Enid Bagnold
The Consciousness Of The Atom by Alice A. Bailey
Masterpieces Of Erotic Photography by David Bailey et al
The House In Town And Trading by R.M. Ballantine
In Search Of Theatre by Eric Bentley
The A.A. Way Of Life-a reader by Bill
Duplessis by Conrad Black
Assorted titles by Enid Blyton
Paddington Marches On by Michael Bond
The Adventures Of Chatterer The Red Squirrel by Thornton W. Burgess
Burns' Poems by Robert Burns
The Letters Of J.R.R. Tolkien selected by Humphrey Carpenter
Favorite Christmas Stories compiled by Frances Cavanah
Typhoon by Joseph Conrad
The Last Of The Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper
The Book Of Lies by Aleister Crowley
Monsieur, Madame and Bebe by Gustav Droz
The Psychic Treatment Of Nervous Disorders by Dr. Paul Dubois
Bert Wilson On The Gridiron by J.W. Duffield
Myth And Reality by Mircia Eliade
Jotsam by Fougasse
Around The Year With Emmet Fox by Emmet Fox
The Ten Commandments- The Master Key To Life by Emmet Fox
Dick Hamilton's Airship by Howard R. Garis
The Vicor Of Wakefield by Oliver Goldsmith
Guess Who (A Dick and Jane Reader) by Gray, Artley and Arbuthnot
Wonders Of Transport by Cyril Hall
Time To Live by Gove Hambidge
The Boy Allies At Verdum by Clair W. Hayes
For Whom The Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway
The Portrait Of A Lady by Henry James
Cycle Of The Werewolf by Stephen King
Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling
Alligator Pic by Dennis Lee
Cowboy Small by Lois Lenski
Motorcycle Chums on the Sainte Fe Trail by Andrew Carey Lincoln
Rainbow At Dusk by Emilie Loring
The Inferiority Feeling by William S. Marsh
The Basic Works Of Aristotle by Richard McKeon
The Life of Dwight L. Moody by W.R. Moody
The Aquatic Ape by Elaine Morgan
Sibir by Farley Mowat
West Viking By Farley Mowat
Toby Tyler or Ten Weeks withA Circus by James Otis
Dread The Rastafarians of Jamaica by Joseph Owens
A Dictionary Of The Underworld by Eric Partridge
Bob Dylan-Don't Look Back by D.A. Pennebaker
The Confessions Of Saint Augustine by J G Pilkington
Elfquest Book Three by Wendy and Richard Pini
Heroic Tales inVerse edited by E.J. Pratt
Oriental Erotic Art By Philip Rawson
1955/1956 Fifth Annual Report On Stress by Seyle and Heuser
The End-The Death of Jim Morrison by Bob Seymore
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
Bliss Carmen by Odell Shepard
The Marilyn Scandal by Sandra Shevey
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
The Healer By Frank G. Slaughter
Frank Merriwell's Victories by Burt L. Standish
A Child's Garden Of Verse by Robert Louise Stevenson
The Majesty Of The Black Woman By Arthur Tcholakian
A Dog Named Chips by Albert Payson Terhune
With Lawrence In Arabia by Lowell Thomas
Burton Holmes Travelogues
The Chronicles of Barsetshire by Anthony Trollope
Cats, Cats, Cats by Andy Warhol
Heredity by J.A.S. Watson
The Harmonious Circle by James Webb
Charlotte's Web by E.B. White
The Complete Reprint Of John Willie's Bizarre
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This is just a sampling of the
authors we have in stock.
email us with your requests
at bookshop@interlog.com
Allingham, Marghy
Block, Lawrence
Brahn, Lilian Jackson
Christie, Agatha
Clark, Mary Higgins
Cook, Robin
Cornwell, Patricia
Crichton, Michael
Frances, Dick
Grafton, Sue
Grisham, John
Hoag, Tami
James, P.D.
Johansen, Iris
Kellerman, Jonathan
Leonard, Elmore
Patterson, James
Perry, Anne
Prather, Richard S.
Rendell, Ruth
Sandford, John
Sanders, Lawrence
Stouy, Rex
Turow, Scott
Wentworth, Patricia
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Science Fiction
This is just a sampling of the
authors we have in stock.
email us with your requests
at bookshop@interlog.com
Anthony, Piers
Asimov, Isaac
Brooks, Terry
Brust, Steven
Burroughs, Edgar Rice
Clarke, Arthur C.
Donaldson, Stephen R.
Eddings, David
Foster, Alan Dean
Heinlein, Robert
Herbert, Frank most titles,
Jordan, Robert
McCaffrey, Ann
Niven, Larry
Robertson, Kenneth
Tolkein, JRR rare hardcover set , Hobbit, Lord of The Rings
Weis, Hickman, Margaret
This is just a sampling of the
authors we have in stock.
email us with your requests
at bookshop@interlog.com
Archer, Jeffrey
Atwood, Margaret
Austen, Jane
Baldwin, James
Bronte, Charlotte
Buck, Pearl
Burgess, Anthony
Capote, Truman
Clavell, James
Cohen, Leonard
Davies, Robertson
Dickens, Charles
Dostoyevsky, Fydor
DuMaurier, Daphane
Faulkner, William
Findley, Timothy
Finney, Jack
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Forester, C.S.
Grass, Gunter
Greene, Graham
Hardy, Thomas
Hemingway, Ernest
Hesse, Hernann
Hoffman, Alice
Huxley, Aldous
Irving, John
Joyce, James
Kafka, Franz
Laurence, D. H.
Laurence, Margaret
Lewis, C.S.
Maugham, W. Somerset
Melvill, Herman
Michener, James A.
Morrison, Toni
Mowat, Farley
Orwell, George
Poe, Edgar Allen
Puzo, Mario
Rand, Ayn
Richler, Mordecai
Rushdie, Salman
Salinger, JD
Singer, Isaac Bashevis
Smith, Wilbur
Steinbeck, John
Styron, William
Twain, Mark
Tyler, Anne
Uris, Leon
Vonnegut, Kurt
Vonnegut, Kurt Jr
Walker, Alice
Wilde, Oscar
Woolf, Virginia
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As Well As . . .
- art
- biography
- black authors
- business
- children
- cooking
- crafts
- health
- historial fiction
- history
- horror
- humour
- action
- adventure
- military
- music
- parenting
- pets
- philosophy
- photography
- plays
- poetry
- politics
- psychology
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Please call the store first to make sure we still
have the title and/or author still in stock, 416-691-3335. This
is but a sampling of the many science fiction and fantasy books
we have in stock. Prices are about half the cover price of a new
paper back.
This is just a sampling of the
authors we have in stock.
email us with your requests
at bookshop@interlog.com
Binchy, Maeve
Blair, Emma
Brown, Sandra
Cameron, Stella
Canham, Marsha
Carr, Phillippa
Chase, Lindsey
Coffman, Elaine
Collins, Jackie
Conn, Phoebe
Cookson, Catherine
Copeland, Lori
Corbet, Colleen
Coulter, Catherine
Cox, Josephine
Cross, Charlene
Cresswell, Jasmine
Crosby, Tanya Anne
Dalton, Margo
Davis, Kathryn Lynn
Delinsky, Barbara
Devereaux, Jude
Drake, Shannon
Dunne, Dominick
Dunnett, Dorothy
Edwards, Cassie
Feather, Jane
Gaffney, Patricia
Garlock, Dorothy
Garwood, Julie
Gellis, Roberta
Graham, Heather
Gregory, Philippa
Hannah, Kristin
Hart, Catherine
Hatcher, Robin Lee
Henley, Virginia
Hoag, Tami
Holt, Victoria
Howard, Linda
James, Samantha
Jenkins, Beverly
Johansen, Iris
Johnston, Joan
Joyce, Brenda
Kearsley, Susanna
Kingley, Katherine
Krahn, Bettina
Krantz, Judith
Krentz, Jayne Ann
Ladd, Linda
Lamb, Arnette
Landis, Jill Marie
Lindsey, Johanna
Lowell, Elizabeth
Martin, Kat
Mason, Connie
McKinney, Meagan
McGoldrick, May
McNaught, Judith
Medeiros, Teresa
Merritt, Emma
Michael, Judith
Michael, Kasey
Michaels, Fern
Miller, Linda Lael
Morsi, Pamela
Neri, Penelope
O'Banyon, Constance
Palmer, Diana
Pilcher, Rosamunde
Plaidy, Jean
Plain, Belva
Potter, Patricia
Putney, Mary Jo
Quick, Amanda
Robards, Karen
Roberts, Nora
Robinson, Suzanne
Ryan, Nan
Scott, Amanda
Sheldon, Sidney
Small, Bertrice
Smith, Barbara Dawson
Spencer, LaVyrle
Steel, Danielle
Sutcliffe, Katherine
Taylor, Janelle
Thacker, Shelly
Thomas, Jodi
Wiggs, Susan
Woodiwiss, Kathleen
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