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The LaVase Portages:
Dugas Bay to La Vase River


  1. N 46.30224°, W 79.38466 °
    Put-in  beside Highway 17, at the historical plaque and parking lot beside Brandy Lake. Paddle to the lake's south end and start portaging at the base of two large spruce trees.
    Carry for 484m to pond.
  2. N 46.2978 °, W 79.38778 °
    There, you may paddle across or, at low water, carry for 665m through the woods and over a rocky ridge to join the next portage trail. Both GPS tracks (water as well as land) are indicated on the map.
  3. N 46.29542°, W 79.38849 °
    Portage 620m to the long lake. About 2/3 along, you will cross a field that hides a buried pipeline.
  4. N 46.29098°, W 79.39152 °
    The portage ends at a muddy creek. At high water, put in there and paddle to beaver dam which spans the lake there and lift/slide over on left side.  At low water, carry over creek and over low hill to put in below beaver dam.
    Paddle the length of the swamp/lake for 1 km.
  5. N 46.28201°, W 79.38711 °
    About 30m from its end, take out  on right shore and enter the forest for the 1800m portage to the LaVase river.
    The historic portage was located on the east side of the creek but was obliterated in the early 1970's. A full-scale quarry operation sits directly on the trail today.
    Today, the route goes through about 300m of alder bushes before a vague trail reappears. Do not attempt to re-enter the creek at the road as the area is off-limits due to federal restrictions around the chemical plant's perimeter
  6. N 46.27709°, W 79.38523 °
    About 700m into the portage, it crosses a quarry road at right angle, then heads SW, goes across a beaver pond/dam, rises up over a granite hill and drops down towards the railway line. In most of this section, the trail is hard to make out, and the GPS will come in handy.
  7. N 46.27108°, W 79.38625 °
    Cross railway tracks (extreme caution, the rail line is in heavy use. Let your partner look out for trains while you carry the canoe across the tracks) and launch on the LaVase River. You are now on a small lake beside the Fabrene Plant (labeled "Pumping Station" on the topo map), just above the railway bridge.


LVP Upper.jpg (94326 bytes)

Note about the map:

Copyright: Extract of the data sets
North Bay_31I06 at 1:50,000
    İHer Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada
    Reproduced with the permission of Natural Resources Canada

The maps were produced with QV Touratech using the topomaps from QuoVadis. - Links

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